Discomfort Is Necessary For Your Success
Discomfort Is Necessary For Your Success
Many individuals lack an understanding of the process required to commit to their life dreams and goals due to their tendency to break commitments. Often, they add a silent, unconscious clause to their commitments, stating that they will only follow through if it does not cause discomfort. However, discomfort is a critical component of the commitment process and one of the reasons for making a commitment in the first place.
Inside every person, there exists an automatic goal-fulfillment mechanism that is activated when we make a commitment. By committing to something, we are essentially telling this mechanism that we want it, and it responds by arranging for it to happen. To do so, it may provide us with lessons that we need to learn to achieve our goal, which can come in pleasant or unpleasant ways. Similarly, it identifies any obstacles that stand in our way and works to remove them, which may again be either pleasant or unpleasant.
To achieve something new, it is necessary to expand our comfort zone, and this often requires us to tolerate discomfort. Unfortunately, many individuals use discomfort as an excuse to avoid committing to their goals and, as a result, do not achieve what they desire. However, if we want to grow and progress, we must learn to accept and tolerate discomfort.
Discomfort Is Necessary For Your Success
This growth process is commonly referred to as “grist for the mill.” In the traditional method of grinding wheat to produce flour in an old stone mill, it was necessary to add gravel, known as grist, to the wheat before grinding it. The small stones that make up the grist rub against the grain, causing friction that grinds the wheat into a fine powder. Without the grist, the wheat would only be crushed, and it would not be possible to produce flour. After grinding, the grist is sifted out, leaving only the flour behind.